"Spirit Wild"

Don Reeve

Crash Landing Productions.

It's been about four years since I first became aware of ex-Neon Profit member Don Reeve's work from his locally produced tape "Nature's Way". Don's latest offering, "Spirit Wild", reveals a substantial amount of artistic growth and it is evident that Reeve has begun to settle comfortably into his own style. Absent on the new release are the Leo Kottke influenced pieces that marked "Nature's Way". Although comparisons to Michael Hedges might spring to mind, Reeve is definitely off on his own path.

Performed on six and twelve string acoustic guitars, "Spirit Wild" is a virtuoso performance by one of Tucson's most gifted musicians. Don finger picks and taps his compositions with expert precision utilizing digital delay to build layers of sound. Although the majority of songs are performed solo, an illusion of more instruments is created by Don's use of studio technology. Reeve is joined on two cuts by Phil Stevens on violin and viola and Matt Finstrom on tabla drums. Both cuts are too short.

Reeve's music definitely challenges categorization. This is not folk music nor is it to be confused with the new age background music that has be-come the post modern equivalent of muzak. If anything this work approaches the realm of experimental jazz.

"Spirit Wild" is a well conceived and complex project, sometimes tranquil and flowing, at other times untamed and turbulent. It is for the most part consistently interesting, drawing the listener into its sonic realm.

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